Operation Manual

Important Features
Since the PSR-740/640 has such a wealth of advanced features and functions, you may be at a loss as to
how to explore its capabilities and how to best use them for your music. You needn’t worry. The PSR-740/
640 is very easy to play and use, and each function — no matter how advanced — can be mastered easily.
That’s what this section is designed for. It will help you master the PSR-740/640. It introduces you to the
important features of the PSR-740/640 with short explanations and page references. Read through the
features you’re interested in, then turn to the relevant pages in the manual for instructions and other details.
Basic operations
The PSR-740/640 is packed
with sophisticated feature and
functions, yet it’s also exceptionally
easy to use. Panel operations are exceptionally
quick and easy, especially with the aid of relevant
“online” help messages that automatically appear
in the display. (
Page 17)
A convenient Direct Access function lets you
instantly call up the specific menu or display you
need. (
Page 21)
Auto accompaniment (styles)
The auto accompaniment feature puts a full backing band
at your fingertips, with a total of 160 styles (rhythm and
accompaniment patterns). (
Page 34)
The One Touch Setting feature lets you instantly call up the
appropriate voice, effect, and other settings for the selected
accompaniment style — with the touch of a single button.
Page 44)
The advanced Groove function gives you the power to
customize the preset styles of the PSR-740 by changing
the basic “feel” of the rhythm and accompaniment patterns.
(PSR-740) (
Page 45)
You can also create your original accompaniment styles by
recording them directly from the keyboard. (
Page 110)
Multi Pads
By simply pressing one of the Multi Pads, you can play
short rhythmic or melodic phrases.
You can also create your original Multi Pad phrases by
recording them directly from the keyboard. (
Page 106)
Registration Memory
The convenient Registration Memory feature lets you save
virtually all panel settings to one of 128 Registration
Memory settings, and then instantly recall all your custom
panel settings by pressing a single button. (
Page 62)
Song Recording
Use the powerful song recording features create your own
complete, fully orchestrated compositions and save them
floppy disk as a User song. Each User song lets you record
up to sixteen independent tracks. (
Page 92)
* To quickly and easily mold your musical ideas into
complete songs, use the Quick Recording method.
Page 94)
* To build up a song part-by-part and track-by-track, use
the Multi Track Recording method. (
Page 96)
* You can also “fine tune” the recorded song data with the
PSR-740/640’s comprehensive song editing functions.
Pages 98-105)
Organ Flutes (PSR-740)
This special function not only gives you a full set of rich and
luscious organ sounds, it also lets you create your own
original organ voices, just as on a traditional organ, by
increasing and decreasing the flute footages, and adding
percussive sounds. (
Page 32)
Digital Effects
A comprehensive set of professional-sounding digital
effects are built into the PSR-740/640, letting you enhance
the sound of your performance in a wide variety of ways.
These include Reverb, Chorus, DSP, Harmony/Echo, and
(on the PSR-740) Master EQ. (
Page 50)
* Reverb recreates the rich spacial ambiance of various
performance environments, such as a concert hall or a
night club. (
Page 50)
Listening to the PSR-740/640
The PSR-740/640 features a
wide variety of songs in various
musical genres. (
Page 15)
In addition, 10 songs are provided in the included
disk. (
Page 76)
The powerful auto accompaniment function gives
you a total of 160 styles (rhythm and accompani-
ment patterns), providing professional sounding
backing parts for your performance. (
Page 34)
Special Multi Pads let you instantly and easily play
short rhythmic and melodic sequences for adding
impact and variety to your performance. (
Playing the PSR-740/640
The PSR-740/640 keyboard has
61 keys with full touch-response
capability that lets you play with
extraordinary expressiveness and dynamic control.
Page 136)
The PSR-740/640 lets you perform with a huge
variety of musical instrument voices. (
There are two different types of voices: panel
voices (the original PSR-740/640 voices) and XG
* The PSR-740 features 267 panel voices, 13 drum
kits, and 480 XG voices
* The PSR-640 features 223 panel voices, 12 drum
kits, and 480 XG voices
With the R1, R2, and L voices, you can play two
different voices in a layer, and even play two
different voices with your right and left hands. (
Pages 27, 28)