User Guide

Before You Begin
Before playing your PSR-7000 for the first
time, it might be a good idea to re-initialize it to
the original factory settings just in case these have
been changed at some point before you receive
the instrument. To do this, turn the [POWER]
switch ON while holding the [DEMO] and [EXIT]
When the display shown to the right appears
press the OK LCD button.
When the above initialization procedure is carried
out, all internal data (e.g. REGISTRATION, CUS-
also be initialized and therefore lost!
Playing the PSR-7000
Selecting & Playing Voices
The PSR-7000 allows you to individually select and play up to four “orchestra parts” at the same time in a number
of ways. A range of voices can be assigned to each orchestra part. There’s also an “ORGAN FLUTE” part which
simulates an extremely wide range of organ sounds — complete with realistic rotary speaker effect.
Both the RIGHT 1 and RIGHT 2 voices are polyphonic voices which can be played over
the entire keyboard or to the right of a specified split point. The default split point is the F#2
key. Either voice can be played alone, or both can be played simultaneously. The RIGHT 1
and RIGHT 2 voices can be selected from a range of 246+8 (Drum kit) voices organized in
12 groups.
LEAD This is a monophonic voice which can be played over the entire keyboard or to the right of
a specified split point. The default split point is the F#2 key. The LEAD voice can be played
alone, or simultaneously with either or both of the RIGHT ORCHESTRA voices. The LEAD
voice can be selected from a range of 123 voices organized in 6 groups.
When only the LEAD voice is being played it has last note priority. That is, only the last
note played will sound. When the LEAD voice is being played with a RIGHT ORCHESTRA
voice it has highest note priority the highest note is played by the LEAD voice.
LEFT ORCHESTRA A polyphonic voice which can be played to the left of a specified split point while the
RIGHT 1, RIGHT 2, and/or LEAD voices are played to the right of the split point. The de-
fault split point is the F#2 key. The LEFT voice can be selected from a range of 205 voices
organized in 6 groups.
ORGAN FLUTE This is a polyphonic voice which can be played over the entire keyboard or to the right of a
specified split point. The default split point is the F#2 key. The ORGAN FLUTE voice can-
not be played simultaneously with the RIGHT or LEAD voices. Details on using the OR-
GAN FLUTE voices are provided on page 16.
* Voice numbers include Custom Voice.