
Custom Accompaniment
Select the EDIT display via the [ ] or [ ] LCD button to the right of the display. If not already selected, press
the SETTING LCD button to access the QUANTIZE, COPY, and REMOVE EVENT parameters. Use the and
LCD buttons to the left of the display to select the desired function.
QUANTIZE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
1/4 note
1/4 note triplet
1/8 note
1/8 note triplet
1/16 note
1/16 note triplet
1/32 note
The Quantize sizes are:
The QUANTIZE function aligns recorded notes
in a specified part to the specified beats to “tighten
up” the timing of a performance.
ZSelect a Part
Use the PART LCD dials to select the part to be
quantized, and the SIZE LCD dials to select the
beats to which the notes will be aligned.
The part name for parts which are being used
unedited from a preset style will appear in small
letters. “*” will appear for parts which contain no
data. Neither can be selected for quantization.
XQuantize the Part
Press the EXECUTE button. The “Completed”
display will appear briefly when the quantize opera-
tion has finished. After quantization the EXECUTE
button changes to an UNDO button which can be
used to undo the quantize operation if the results are
not satisfactory.
This function allows data to be copied from one measure or group of measures to another location within the same
ZSelect a Part
Use the PART LCD dials to select the part to be
The part name for parts which are being used
unedited from a preset style will appear in small
letters. “*” will appear for parts which contain no
data. Neither can be selected for editing.
COPY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................