
Song Playback & Recording
X Select a Start Trigger Type.................................................................................................................................................
Use the TRIGGER LCD dials to select the FIRST
KEY or START SW start trigger. When FIRST KEY
is selected recording will begin when the first key is
played on the keyboard. When START SW is se-
lected recording will begin when the START LCD
button or panel [START/STOP] button is pressed.
If a footswitch has been assigned to the PUNCH IN/
OUT function via the F3 CONTROLLER: FOOT
CONTROLLER display (page 112), FOOT SW can
also be selected via the TRIGGER LCD dials.
C Turn the Metronome On If Required.......................................................................................................................
Use the METRONOME LCD dial to turn the
metronome ON if you want to record while monitor-
ing the metronome sound (the metronome sound is
not recorded).
V Locate the Punch In Point ........................
While the PLAY mode is selected play the song
and pause playback a few measures before the
punch-in point so you have a good “lead in” prior to
actually starting recording.
B Engage the Record Mode...................................................................................................................................................
Use the MODE LCD dials to select the REC