
F5: Reverb/Chorus/DSP Effect
When the REVERB TYPE parameters are se-
lected as described above, the PARAMETER EDIT
LCD button will appear, pressing this button gives
you access to the individual reverb parameters for
the currently selected reverb type. Use the LCD dial
below the number corresponding to the parameter
you want to edit. Press the TYPE LCD button to
return to the REVERB TYPE parameters when done.
1. REVERB TIME Range: 0.3 30 sec.
Sets the amount of time it takes for the reverb sound to decay by 60 dB (virtually to silence).
2. DIFFUSION Range: 0 10
Adjusts the left-right spread of the reverb sound. The higher the value the greater the spread.
3. INITIAL DELAY Range: 0 63
The length of the initial delay before the actual reverb sound begins (in milliseconds). The higher the value the
longer the initial delay.
4. HPF CUTOFF Range: Thru, 22Hz 8.0kHz
The cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter applied to the reverb sound. No filter is applied when set to Thru.
5. LPF CUTOFF Range: 1.0kHz 18kHz, Thru
The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter applied to the reverb sound. No filter is applied when set to Thru.
The default parameters will automatically be reselected
whenever a new reverb type is selected.
Independently sets the depth of the selected
reverb effect for the microphone, multi pads, ac-
companiment/song, left voice, right 1 voice, right 2
voice, lead voice, and organ flute voice.
If the REVERB DEPTH parameters are not showing
on the lower section of the display, press the DEPTH
LCD button. Use the MIC, M.PAD, ACMP/SONG,
LEFT, R1, R2, LEAD, and ORGAN LCD dials to set
the depth of the reverb effect as required for the
corresponding parts. The depth range is from “0”
(no reverb effect) to “100” (maximum reverb depth).
In addition to the graphic depth controls directly above the
LCD dials, reverb depth for each part is represented by a
vertical bar to the right of the REVERB DEPTH parameter
in the upper section of the display. The longer the bar, the
greater the reverb depth.
Each part and voice has a preset depth value and range
over which the depth can be varied. Depth variations may
therefore not have the same audible effect with all voices.