
Recording and Playing Back Your Music
The CHORD MEMORY function of the PSR-210 and the MELODY AND CHORD MEMORY function of the
PSR-310 allow you to record and play back chord and melody sequences. (Melody sequences can only be
recorded and played back by the PSR-310.)
The (MELODY AND) CHORD MEMORY function is also equipped with three separate Banks that can be used
to record different sequences. The Banks can be chained i.e. they will play back in any specified order. This
allows you to record a verse and chorus in different Banks, then “chain” them in the desired order for playback.
Recording a Sequence
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To record a sequence:
1. Select the Single Finger or Fingered mode and choose an
Accompaniment Style that is appropriate for the type of music
you want to record.
2. Press one of the BANK buttons while holding the REC button.
This engages the Record Ready mode for the selected Bank. The Bank indi
cator will flash, the metronome will sound, and three dots along the top of the
MULTI DISPLAY will flash at the selected tempo.
Press the REC button again if you want to disengage the Record Ready mode
and perform some other function.
Before actually starting to record, try setting a tempo that will be easy to
record by using the TEMPO + and - buttons.
3. Recording will begin as soon as you play a note or chord in the
left-hand section of the keyboard (Synchro Start operation).
Recording can also be started by pressing the START/STOP button. In
this case the rhythm will begin without bass and chord accompaniment
until a chord is detected in the left-hand section of the keyboard.
4. Play the required chords and melody (The melody is recorded
by the PSR-310 only).
5. Press either the START/STOP button or the SYNCHRO START/
ENDING button to stop recording.
Sequenœs recorded with the (MELODYAND) CHORD
MEMORY are retained in memory even when the POWER
switch is turned off (provided power is supplied to the Por-
taTone by batteries or a power adaptor).
Whenever you record using thé (MELODY AND) CHORD
MEMORY, any previously recorded data in the same Bank
will be erased.
The CHORD MEMORY records the following data: Style
number, chord timing, chords. Intro, Fill in, and Ending.
In addition to these the PSR-310‘s MELODY AND CHORD
MEMORY lets you record the melody performance data
from the right-hand section of the keyboard, including the
selected voice number.
The PSR-210 can record chord sequences that contain a
maximum of 60 chords per Bank (with one chord change
per measure). The PSR-310 Can record melody and chord
sequences that contain either a maximum of 1600 notes or
200 chords per Bank (or a reduced combination of both).
j With the PSR-310, recording will also begin if you play a
melody in the right-hand section. Until you press a key in
the left-hand section, only the melody will be recorded.
J You cannot change the Accompaniment Style while
J If the memory becomes full while recording, “End” will
appear on the MULTI DISPLAY, and recording will stop
If the Normal or Split mode is selected, the Fingered mode
is automatically selected when the Record Reacsy mode is