Portatone Owner's Manual

For example, if you want to perform with the following score, set the key to b=1 (F, or Dm)
Play the style, and play single note chords (root notes) in the
ACMP section.
Start style playback in the desired way. (For specific instructions on starting styles, see page 29.)
For example, when the key has been set to F major, pressing the following single notes results in
the chord progression below:
Notice that the minor chords appropriate to the key of F major are automatically converted.
Selecting and Playing Styles — The Style Mode
Number Key (display indication, actual key)
01 #/b=0 (C, or Am)
02 #=1 (G, or Em)
03 #=2 (D, or Bm)
04 #=3 (A, or F#m)
05 #=4 (E, or C#m)
06 #=5 (B, or G#m)
07 #=6 (F#, or D#m)
08 #=7 (C#, or A#m)
Number Key (display indication, actual key)
09 b=7 (Cb, or Abm)
10 b=6 (Gb, or Ebm)
11 b=5 (Db, or Bbm)
12 b=4 (Ab, or Fm)
13 b=3 (Eb, or Cm)
14 b=2 (Bb, or Gm)
15 b=1 (F, or Dm)
F D G D Bb C F
F Dm Gm Dm Bb C F
Played notes
Actual chords