Disklavier Operating Manual

Table Of Contents
products may have either labels similar to the graphics shown
below or molded/stamped facsimiles of these graphics on the
enclosure. The explanation of these graphics appears on this
page. Please observe all cautions indicated on this page and
those indicated on the safety instruction section.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : All Yamaha electronic products are
tested and approved by an independent safety testing laboratory
in order that you may be sure that when it is properly installed
and used in its normal and customary manner, all foreseeable
risks have been eliminated. DO NOT modify this unit or
commission others to do so unless specifically authorized by
Yamaha. Product performance and/or safety standards may be
diminished. Claims filed under the expressed warranty may be
denied if the unit is/has been modified. Implied warranties may
also be affected.
information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at
the time of printing. However, Yamaha reserves the right to
change or modify any of the specifications without notice or
obligation to update existing units.
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Yamaha strives to produce
products that are both user safe and environmentally friendly.
We sincerely believe that our products and the production
methods used to produce them, meet these goals. In keeping
with both the letter and the spirit of the law, we want you to be
aware of the following:
Battery Notice: This product MAY contain a small
nonrechargeable battery which (if applicable) is soldered in
place. The average life span of this type of battery is
approximately five years. When replacement becomes
necessary, contact a qualified service representative to perform
the replacement.
Warning: Do not attempt to recharge, disassemble, or
incinerate this type of battery. Keep all batteries away from
children. Dispose of used batteries promptly and as regulated by
applicable laws. Note: In some areas, the servicer is required by
law to return the defective parts. However, you do have the
option of having the servicer dispose of these parts for you.
Disposal Notice: Should this product become damaged
beyond repair, or for some reason its useful life is considered to
be at an end, please observe all local, state, and federal
regulations that relate to the disposal of products that contain
lead, batteries, plastics, etc.
NOTICE : Service charges incurred due to lack of knowledge
relating to how a function or effect works (when the unit is
operating as designed) are not covered by the manufacturer’s
warranty, and are therefore the owners responsibility. Please
study this manual carefully and consult your dealer before
requesting service.
NAME PLATE LOCATION: The graphic below indicates the
location of the name plate. The model number, serial number,
power requirements, etc., are located on this plate. You should
record the model number, serial number, and the date of
purchase in the spaces provided below and retain this manual as
a permanent record of your purchase.
Model ___________________________________________
Serial No. _________________________________________
Purchase Date _____________________________________
The exclamation point within the equilateral
triangle is intended to alert the user to the
presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the product.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol
within the equilateral triangle is intended to
alert the user to the presence of uninsulated
“dangerous voltage” within the product’s
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to
constitute a risk of electrical shock.