User Guide

PM1D Manager for Windows Operating manual
If a digital I/O card (MY card) is assigned
If 2TR IN is assigned
If the output of an effect return is assigned
If a GEQ output is assigned
Digital gain can be used to adjust the input sensitivity in
a range of +10 dB– –20 dB (the knob will not turn any
further to the right beyond –20 dB).
Only in the case of the digital gain for an input channel,
you can also use the [GAIN] encoder of the CS1D's
INPUT block to adjust the setting. In this case as well,
the adjustable range for the input is +10 dB– –20 dB (the
knob will not turn any further to the right beyond –20
dB). Internally, the input sensitivity is adjusted in a gain
range of –10 dB to +20 dB. If you want a digital source to
be input at nominal level, set the GAIN knob in the
screen to 0 dB.
If a mic/line input card (LMY2-ML) is assigned to
an input channel/insert input, the screen will show
an analog gain knob (range: +10 dB– –68 dB), just
as in the previous software version.
If TB (talkback) is assigned to an input channel/
insert input, the input level will be adjusted by the
panel TALKBACK [LEVEL] volume, just as in the
previous software version.
Digital gain
Digital gain
Digital gain
Digital gain