
Basic Operation
Song Operation
Recording Songs
This chapter explains how to record your playing using the P-250 recording function.
You can, for example, play back what you played on the keyboard. You can also record just one part, then
practice the other part while playing back the recorded the part.
Also, since you can record up to 16 tracks separately, you could record each part separately to build a
Recording vs. Saving:
The format of data recorded on a cassette tape differs from that of data recorded on the P-250.
A cassette tape records audio signals. On the other hand, the P-250 “saves” information regarding note
timing, voices, and a tempo value — but not audio signals. When you play back recorded songs, the P-
250 produces sound based on the saved information.
Therefore, recording on the P-250 may be more accurately called “saving information. However, this
book often uses the word “recording, or if re-recording over existing data, “overwriting.
A message (information or confirmation dialog) sometimes appears on screen to facilitate operation.
Refer to the “Message List” on page 82 for an explanation of each message, the appropriate actions to
take, and troubleshooting information.
An alternative way to record:
You can record your performance (audio data) to a cassette
tape recorder or other recording device via the [OUTPUT]
connector. (page 17)
When the P-250 enters recording mode while Performance
mode is on, Performance mode is temporarily turned off.
(page 41) The performance parameter settings remain the