Data List

MX49 MX61 MX88 Data List
Bank Select
MIDI Data Table
Available Bank Select/Program Change
Parameter Base Address
Model ID = 7F 17
“Top Address” indicates the top address of each block designated by bulk dump operation.
“Byte Count” indicates the data size contained in each block designated by bulk dump
The Block from the Bulk Header to the Bulk Footer of the Performance and Voice can be
received regardless their order. They can be received even if all of them are not transmitted.
They cannot be received if the irrelevant Block is included.
To execute 1 Performance/1 Voice bulk dump request, designate its corresponding Bulk
Header address.
For the information about “mm” and “nn” shown in the following list, refer to MIDI
Model ID = 7F 17
n: Device Number
id: Model ID
bh: Byte Count High
bl: Byte Count Low
ah: Parameter Address High
am: Parameter Address Middle
al: Parameter Address Low
dt: Data
cc: Check Sum of Data
MSB (HEX) LSB (HEX) Program No. Type Memory Description
0 00 0 00 0 – 127 Normal Voice GM Voice
127 7F 0 00 0 Drum Voice GM Drum
63 3F 0 00 0 – 127 Normal Voice Preset 1
1 01 0 – 127 Preset 2
2 02 0 – 127 Preset 3
3 03 0 – 127 Preset 4
4 04 0 – 127 Preset 5
5 05 0 – 127 Preset 6
6 06 0 – 127 Preset 7
7 07 0 – 127 Preset 8
8 08 0 – 127 User
32 20 0 – 63 Drum Voice Preset
40 28 0 – 7 User
63 3F 80 50 0 – 127 Performance User
Parameter Block DescriptionTop Address
High Mid Low
SYSTEM 00 00 00 System
00 05 00 Sequencer Setup
00 06 00 Remote
PART SET CONTROL for MIX VOICE 0D 00 00 Part Set Control for Mix Voice
BULK CONTROL 0E 00 00 Header
0F 00 00 Footer
11 00 00 Footer
MULTI COMMON 36 00 00 Common
36 01 00 Reverb
36 02 00 Chorus
36 10 00 Master EQ
36 30 00 Arpeggio Common
MULTI PART 37 pp 00 Part 1 – 16 (pp: 00 – 0F)
38 pp 00 Arpeggio Part 1 – 16 (pp: 00 – 0F)
40 03 00 Insertion A
40 06 00 Controller+LFO
40 30 00 Arpeggio
NORMAL VOICE ELEMENT GROUP 1 41 ee 00 Element Group 1 (ee: 00 – 07)
NORMAL VOICE ELEMENT GROUP 2 42 ee 00 Element Group 2 (ee: 00 – 07)
DRUM COMMON 46 00 00 Common
46 03 00 Insertion A
46 08 00 Controller
46 30 00 Arpeggio
DRUM ELEMENT GROUP 47 ee 00 Element Group (ee: 0 – 72)
Parameter Block Description
Byte Count Top Address
Dec Hex High Mid Low
SYSTEM System 68 44 00 00 00
Sequencer Setup 22 16 00 05 00
Remote 6 06 00 06 00
MULTI Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 80 50 36 00 00
Reverb 38 26 36 01 00
Chorus 40 28 36 02 00
Master EQ 20 14 36 10 00
Arpeggio Common 14 0E 36 30 00
PART Part 1 6 2 3E 37 00 00
Part 16 0F
Arpeggio Part 1 72 48 38 00 00
Arpeggio Part 16 0F
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
VOICE (NORMAL) Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 80 50 40 00 00
Insertion A 36 24 40 03 00
Controller+LFO 60 3C 40 06 00
Arpeggio 86 56 40 30 00
ELEMENT Osc+Amp+Pit Element 1 88 58 41 00 00
Osc+Amp+Pit Element 8 07
Flt+EQ+LFO Element 1 74 4A 42 00 00
Flt+EQ+LFO Element 8 07
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
VOICE (DRUM) Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 72 48 46 00 00
Insertion A 36 24 46 03 00
Controller 24 18 46 08 00
Arpeggio 86 56 46 30 00
KEY Key C0 46 2E 47 00 00
Key C6 48
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
Message Type Data
Parameter Change F0, 43, 1n, id, id, ah, am, al, dt, … F7
Parameter Request F0, 43, 3n, id, id, ah, am, al, F7
Bulk Dump F0, 43, 0n, id, id, bh, bl, ah, am, al, dt, …, cc, F7
Bulk Request F0, 43, 2n, id, id, ah, am, al, F7
Bulk Dump Block