User Guide

Graphically indicates current Expression setting.
Range: 0 127
This determines the Expression setting for the selected Part’s Voice.
Graphically indicates current Pan setting.
Settings: Rnd (Random), L63 C R63
This determines the stereo position of the selected Part’s Voice. A
setting of “Rnd” (Random) randomly assigns the Voice to a pan po-
sition. This is useful when you want to have different Voices sound
from different random parts of the stereo image. (The Random set-
ting does not affect the A/D input Parts.)
Reverb Send
Graphically indicates current Reverb Send setting.
Range: 0 127
This determines the level of the selected Part’s Voice that is sent to the
Reverb effect. A value of 0 results in a completely “dry” Voice sound.
Keep in mind that the Reverb effect must be properly enabled and set for this parameter to
work as intended. (See page 86.)