
Global Transpose
Global Transpose transposes all Pitch
Sequences assinged to the 4 Beams
and 8 Switch inputs within the current
Set-up. Global Transposition is su-
perimposed on top of any individual
Transposition settings already assinged
to any of the Sensors. To alter the
Global Transpose setting using the Controller Slider. The transposition range is plus
or minus 72 semitones.
Cross Sensor Global Transpose
Cross Sensor Global Transposition enables the interruption of one sensor’s Pitch
Sequence - to Globally Transpose the Pitch Sequences assigned
to all 4 Beams and 8 Switch Inputs.
The Transposition information is derived by adding the octave of the controlling Sensors
Pitch Sequence to the octave of the controlled Sensors Pitch Sequences. The
intervals of the Transposing Sensors Pitch Sequence Transposes all the Sensors Pitch
Sequences by the interval of the controlling Pitch Sequence.
To select the controlling Source Sensor, using the Cross Transpose Source
Selector, this assigns the corresponding Source Sensor.
Desktop Soundbeam Manual Page 83