User Guide

Multi-Source Mixing 19
MT8XII—Owner’s Manual
Multi-Source Mixing
In addition to the eight tape tracks, you can also connect external sound sources to the
MIC/LINE inputs and mix up to eight more sound sources with the tape tracks. Theses extra
sound sources are mixed using the CUE LEVEL and PAN controls. The [CUE MIX TO STE-
REO] button makes this possible. When this button is in the ON position, the CUE bus signals
are not fed to the monitor section. Instead they are fed to the Stereo bus for mixing.
In combination with the eight tape tracks, ST INs, and TAPE IN, this means that up to 20 inputs
are available for mixdown. Typically, these extra sound sources could be MIDI tone generators,
synthesizers, samplers, etc., that are being controlled by a MIDI sequencer.
The following procedure is similar to the previous mixdown procedure except that it explains
how to use the CUE controls to mix the tape signals and MIC/LINE signals.
1. Make sure that all [GROUP ASSIGN] switches are off, including the
2. Use the [FLIP] switch on each input channel to feed the tape and MIC/LINE
signals to the input channel and CUE controls.
With the [FLIP] switch in the up position, the MIC/LINE input signal is fed to the input channel
and the tape signal is fed to the CUE controls. With the [FLIP] switch in the down position,
however, this is reversed: the MIC/LINE input signal is fed to the CUE controls and the tape
signal is fed to the input channel. As the CUE controls consist of just level and pan, signals that
require EQ and effects should be fed to the input channel.
3. Set the PAN and CUE PAN controls on each input channel to their center
4. Set the input channel and STEREO faders to the 7–8 mark, and set the CUE
LEVEL controls midway.
5. Set the [CUE MIX TO STEREO] button to ON.
6. Press the MONITOR SELECT [STEREO] switch and set the MONITOR LEVEL
control midway.
7. Press the [RTZ] button to rewind to 00:00.
8. Press the [PLAY] button to start playback.
Playback starts. You can now mix the tape and MIC/LINE signals.
9. Mix and refine your music as follows:
Balance Levels—Use the input channel faders and CUE LEVEL controls to balance the levels
of the tape and MIC/LINE signals.
Pan—Use the input channel PAN controls and the CUE PAN controls to pan signals.
EQ—Use the EQ to shape the tone of the signals fed to the input channels.
Apply Effects—Use the AUX SENDs to patch in external effects processors. See Using Effects
on page 33 for more information.
You cannot use EQ and effects with the signals that are controlled using the CUE controls. You
could, however, connect an external equalizer or effects processor between the sound source and
the MT8XII input. If you are using the MIC/LINE inputs to connect MIDI-controlled instru-
ments, such as tone generators, synthesizers, and samplers, you can use the EQ and effects func-
tions built into these devices.
10. Record the final mix to your stereo master recorder.