Musical Instrument User Manual

MOTIF Reference
Song Job mode
Reference Song mode
[F5]-01 Copy Track
This Job copies all data from a specified source track
to the specified destination track.
• Source Song and Track
Settings Song 01~64
Track 01~16
• Destination Song and Track
Settings Song 01~64
Track 01~16
• Data Type to be copied
Determines the type(s) of data to be copied. Select the
desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings Seq Event (all events in the track), Grid
Groove (for the selected track), Mix Part
Param (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample
(all samples used by the track)
The copy operation overwrites any data previously
existing on the destination track.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a sample voice
copy operation.
n When there is no memory available in the
destination song for sample voice data, the alert
message will appear on the display and the sample
voice data will not be copied. If this occurs, use
Sample Job 02 “Delete” to delete any unused
samples, then try again.
[F5]-02 Exchange Track
This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type of
data between two specified tracks in the current
• Target tracks for the Exchange operation
Settings 01~16
• Data Type to be exchanged
Determines the type(s) of data to be exchanged. Select the
desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings Seq Event (all events in the track), Grid
Groove (for the selected track), Mix Part
Param (all Mixing Part parameters)
[F5]-03 Mix Track
This job mixes all data from two selected tracks
(“A” and “B”), and places the result in track B. One
useful application for this would be to free up the
data in track A, letting you record new data to it.
• Target tracks for the Mix operation
Settings 01~16
n Keep in mind that applying this Job to tracks with
sample voices does not mix the sample voices.
[F5]-04 Clear Track
This Job deletes all data of the selected type from
the selected track, or from all tracks.
• Track for which data will be cleared
Settings 01~16, tmp(tempo), scn(scene), all
• Data type to be cleared
Determines the type(s) of data to be cleared. Select the
desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings Seq Event (all events in the track), Grid
Groove (for the selected track), Mix Part
Param (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample
(all samples used by the track)
Source Song and Track
Destination Song and Track
Data Type to be copied
Target tracks for the Exchange operation
Data Type to be exchanged
Track B
Mix Track
Track B
Track A
Track a Track b
Track for which data will be cleared
Data type to be cleared