Music Production Synthesizer Owner's Manual

Song Job
MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
1 Insertion point
Determines the insert point (measure number) at which the
newly created blank measures will be inserted.
Settings: 001 – 999
2 Number of measures to be inserted
Determines the number of empty measures to be created
and inserted.
Settings: 01 – 99
3 Meter of measures to be inserted
Determines the meter or time signature of the measures to
be created. You may find it convenient to use this
parameter when you need to create a Song that
incorporates meter changes.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
This Job deletes the specified measures. Measure and
meter data following the deleted measures are moved
backward accordingly.
1 Delete range
Specifies the range of measures to be deleted.
Settings: 001 – 999
[F5] Track Jobs
This Job copies all data of the selected type from a
specified source track to a specified destination track.
1 Source Song and Track
Determines the copy source Song and track (01 – 16).
When the Current box is checked, the current Song is
selected as Source.
2 Data Type to be copied
Determines the type(s) of data to be copied.
Settings: Sequencer Event (all events in the track), Play Effect, Mix
Part Parameter (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample Voice
n When there is no memory available in the destination Song for
Sample Voice data, an alert message will appear on the
display and the Sample Voice data will not be copied even
though the check box of the Sample is marked. If this occurs,
use the Delete Job (page 241) in the Mixing Voice Job to
delete any unused Sample Voices, then try again.
3 Destination Song and Track
Determines the destination Song and track (01 – 16). When
the Current box is checked, the current Song is selected as
The copy operation overwrites any data previously existing on the
destination track.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
02: Delete Measure
001~004 005 ~ 012 013 ~ 024
001~004 005 ~ 016
Source data
8 measures inserted at measure 5
The inserted 8 measures
001~004 005 ~ 012 013 ~ 024
001~004 005 ~ 016
Source data
Measures M005 – M013 deleted
01: Copy Track