Music Production Synthesizer Owner's Manual

MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Playback
The Song mode lets you record, edit and play your own original Songs. The Song Play mode is the main ‘portal’ by which
you enter the Song mode, and it is here where you select and play a Song. Some of the Song settings—such as the rhythmic
feel—can also be edited in this mode. To call up the Song Play display and enter the Song mode, simply press the [SONG]
n From the Track View display in the Song Play mode, you can select the Voice of the Mixing Part corresponding to the current Track by
pressing the [CATEGORY SEARCH] button.
Song Playback Procedure
Press the [SONG] button to enter the Song
Play mode.
This operation calls up the Track View display in the
Song Play mode.
2 Select a Song.
Move the cursor to the Song number, then select the
desired Song by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and
[DEC/NO] buttons. The name of the selected Song is
n If you press the [PROGRAM] button so that its lamp lights,
you can select the desired Song by using the Group [A] –
[D] buttons and the Number [1] – [6] buttons. Song
numbers and the corresponding buttons are as follows.
3 Press the [F] (Play) button to start the selected
When playback of the selected Song is finished, the
Song automatically stops.
Press the [J] (Stop) button to stop playback of the
Song. Press the [F] (Play) again to resume playback
from that point.
Playback types
To start playback of the Song from midway through the
Song, set the desired location by using the controls below,
then press the [F] (Play) button. These operations can be
also executed during playback.
When the Song is not played back properly:
Keep in mind that starting a Song from somewhere in the
middle may cause playback problems, such as the wrong
sound, incorrect pitch or unexpected volume changes.
This may occur because the MIDI events recorded at the
start the Song have not been recognized by the tone
generator section, since playback has started at a different
point in the Song, with different MIDI events. To prevent this
from happening, set the Song Event Chase parameter (4)
to “PC+PB+Ctrl” or “all” in the Other display (page 271) of
Sequencer Setup (called up via the [SEQ SETUP] button).
With this setting, the Song will be played back properly
even when starting playback from the middle of the Song.
Assigning specific measure numbers to
Locations 1 and 2
To assign specific measure numbers to locations 1 and 2,
select the desired measure number then press the [G]/
[H] (Rewind/Forward) button while holding the [STORE]
button. The setting here will be shown at the top of the
From this display, you can change the Song playback
position by following the operations below.
Button Combinations Song number
[A]+[1] – [16] 01 – 16
[B]+[1] – [16] 17 – 32
[C]+[1] – [16] 33 – 48
[D]+[1] – [16] 49 – 64
Song number Song name
Playback from the middle of the Song
Forward Press the [H] (Forward) button.
Fast forward Hold the [H] (Forward) button.
Rewind Press the [G] (Rewind) button.
Fast Rewind Hold the [G] (Rewind) button.
Move to the top of the Song Press the [P] button.
Move to location 1 While holding the [P] button, press
the [G] (Rewind) button.
Move to location 2 While holding the [P] button, press
the [H] (Forward) button.
Location 1 Location 2