User Manual

4 “Transmit” button
Click this to open the “Transmit” dialog to transmit all settings to your tone generator.
“Transmit” Dialog
Voice data can be transmitted in bulk to your tone generator. Click the [Start] button to begin trans-
mitting the data. The progress bar shows how much of the data has been transmitted. Finally, click
the [Close] button to quit the dialog.
1 Transmit Type .................. Indicates the voice data to be transmitted.
Normal User 1 ........................ All Normal User 1 Voices
Normal User 2 ........................ All Normal User 2 Voices
Normal User 1+2 .................... All Normal User 1, 2 Voices
Drum User .............................. All Drum User Voices
Normal User 1+2+Drum ......... All Normal User Voices 1, 2 and Drum User Voices
Plug-in 1 User......................... All Plug-in 1 User Voices
Plug-in 2 User......................... All Plug-in 2 User Voices
Plug-in 3 User......................... All Plug-in 3 User Voices
Plug-in 1+2+3 User ................ All Plug-in 1-3 User Voices
All ........................................... All User Voices (Normal 1, 2, Drum, and Plug-in 1-3)
2 Progress bar ................... Indicates how much of the data has been transmitted.
3 [Start] button ................... Click this to transmit the data.
4 [Close] button.................. Click this to close this dialog.
n The MIDI Device Number has to be set correctly in order to transmit bulk data. For further details,
see page 14.