User Manual

[Function] keys
The following functions are assigned by default.
[Fn-1] Speaker Select (Pressing this button allows the [User] keys to select speakers.)
[Fn-2] A/B Select (Selects either In/Out selections of A or B.)
[Fn-3] Solo Defeat (Deactivates both Stem Solo and Speaker Solo.)
[User] key
The SLS function is assigned by default. Since the MMP1 does not support the SLS function,
assign another function to this key.
[Page] key (U.Bank)
Returns to the Meters page if the display shows a setup page other than the Meters page.
The U.Bank function is assigned to this key by default.
When the Meters page is displayed, pressing this key switches between two User Key Banks
that can be set for the TMC-1. You can change the User Key functions for each bank using the
TMC-1 setup software. See "To assign a function to the User Keys" on page 11 for details.
The TMC-1’s default page is the Meters page.
[Select] key (Spk. Mute)
Pressing this key allows the User Keys to mute and unmute the speaker outputs.
A different function can be assigned to this key using the TMC-1 setup software.
Pressing the [Page] and [Select] keys simultaneously will display the Select Page.
[Dim] key
Pressing this key switches the dimmer setting of the monitor outputs between on and off. When
the dimmer is on, the display shows the "Dim" icon in red.
[Mute] key
Pressing this key will mute or unmute the monitor outputs. When they are muted, the display
shows the "Mute" icon in red.