Operation Manual

Music playback on the MusicCAST client
During playback
The Play Info screen appears on the display when
the MusicCAST client is playing a song, unless you
perform an operation with the remote control. Press
PLAY INFO to return to this screen.
Press i to access the available playback styles. To
alter the setting of a particular parameter, press
SELECT. Use u / d to change the setting, and
SELECT to confirm the setting you select. Press j
to exit from the Play Style screen. The parameters
available are:
Depending on the setting of this parameter, the
MusicCAST client repeats playback of a selected
OFF: No repeat
SINGLE: The MusicCAST client repeats
playback of the current song.
ALL: The MusicCAST client repeats
playback of the current group.
Random (OFF, ON)
If this parameter is set to ON, the unit continuously
plays a random sequence of tracks until playback is
halted. The songs the MusicCAST client targets for
playback depend how you select the song you want
to listen to. If you select playback from an album,
then all tracks on that album are targeted for
playback, if you have selected an artist, then all
tracks from that artist are targeted, and so on.
Sets the group playback function (see pages 45,
ALL: The MusicCAST client begins playback
of the next group when playback of the
present group finishes.
SINGLE: The MusicCAST client halts playback
when playback of the present group
Play Info
Artist name
Album name
Song name
Bookmark (OFF, ON)
If this parameter is set to ON, the current song is
added to the bookmark list (see pages 52 55).
Time (ELAP , REM )
These parameters alter the manner in which the
MusicCAST client displays time on the Play Info
ELAP: (Elapsed)
Displays the time elapsed since you
started playback of the current song.
REM: (Remaining)
Displays the time remaining until the
end of the current song.
Skipping to a different song
Press a to skip to the next song, or press b
once to return to the beginning of the currently
playing song or twice to skip to the beginning of
the previous song during playback.
Searching forward or backward within a
To search forward , press f, and to search
backward, press w, during playback. The
MusicCAST client does not output any sound
during these operations.
You cannot skip or search through songs when
playback is paused.
103_Musiccast_E.p65 2003.06.28, 19:0236