User Manual

Voice Edit
1 To change the overall volume: Change 1 of the carrier. Change 7 of the AWM.
2 To change the overall tone: Change 1 of the modulator. Change ! or @ of the AWM.
3 To change how the volume varies over time: Change 2, 3 or 5 of the carrier. Change 8 or 9 of the AWM.
4 To change how the tone varies over time: Change 2, 3 or 5 of the modulator.
5 To raise the volume: Raise 1 of the carrier. Raise 7 of the AWM.
6 To lower the volume: Lower 1 of the carrier. Lower 7 of the AWM.
7 To make the sound brighter: Raise 1 of the modulator. Raise @ of the AWM.
8 To make the sound softer: Lower 1 of the modulator. Lower @ of the AWM.
9 To get faster attack: Raise 2 of the carrier and modulator. Raise 8 of the AWM.
10 To get slower attack: Lower 2 of the carrier and modulator. Lower 8 of the AWM.
11 To reduce the sound rapidly: Raise 3 and 5 of the carrier and modulator. Raise 9 of the AWM.
12 To reduce the sound slowly: Lower 3 and 5 of the carrier and modulator. Lower 9 of the AWM.
13 To get no or shorter sustain: Raise 6 of the carrier and modulator. Raise ) of the AWM.
14 To get longer sustain: Lower 6 of the carrier and modulator. Lower ) of the AWM.
15 To change the timbre rapidly: Raise 2 of the modulator.
16 To change the timbre slowly: Lower 2 of the modulator.
5) General Guidelines for Editing Operators
Before you edit a voice, always check its algorithm to see which Operators
function as carriers and which as modulators. Then select each Operator in
turn and edit its parameters. The Output Level and envelope parameters
function differently depending on whether they belong to a carrier or a
modulator. The following list illustrates the relationships between the
Operators and parameters:
FM Carrier/Modulator