
Surround back speakers ,:::'i ii:::, iD i ..'i:::, ,:::'i:::,
Choices: LRGx2, LR(;xl, SMLx2, SMLxl, NONE
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Select LRGxl if you have a large surround back
speaker. The unit directs the entire range of the
surround back channel signal to the left surround back
Select LRGx2 if you have 2 large surround back
speakers. The unit directs the entire range of the
surround back channel signal to the surround back
Select SMLx2 if you have 2 small surround back
speakers. The low-frequency signals of the surround
back channels are directed to the speakers selected with
Select SMLxl if you have a small surround back
speaker. The low-frequency signals of the surround
back channel are directed to the speakers selected with
"LFE/BASS OUT", and the rest of the frequency
signals are directed to the left surround back speaker.
Select NONE if you do not have a surround back
speaker. The unit directs all of the surround back
channel signal to the surround left and right speakers.
If you select SMLx I or LRGx 1, connect the speaker to the left
SURROUND BACK speaker terminals.
Presence speakers F:i:;I:E:!;EI".i(;E:!!;F:'
Choices: YES, NONE
Select YES if you have presence speakers.
Select NONE if you do not have presence speakers.
When YES is selected, the unit automatically a0usts the dialog
lift parameter. To ac0ust it manually, see page 83.
Bass out i...,i:::E/i!!!:I:::I:!!;:!!;Oi..)T
Low-frequency (bass) signals can be directed to the
subwoofer and/or the front left and right speakers
according to the characteristics of your system. This
setting also determines the routing of the LFE (low-
frequency effect) signals found in Dolby Digital or DTS
Select SWFR if you connect a subwoofer. LFE and
low-frequency signals from other channels are directed
to the subwoofer according to the speaker settings.
Select FRNT if you do not use a subwoofer. LFE and
low frequency signals from other channels are directed
to the front speakers according to the speaker settings
(even if you have previously set front speakers to
Select BOTH if you connect a subwoofer and you want
to output low-frequency signals from front channels to
both the front speakers and subwoofer. LFE and low-
frequency signals from other channels are also directed
to the snbwoofer according to the speaker settings. Use
this flmction to reinforce low-frequency signals using
the subwoofer when playing back sources such as CDs.
Cross over f"iD¢"l*:::',27 f"d ii:Ti:::,
Use this feature to select a cross-over (cut-off) frequency
for all low-frequency signals. All frequencies below the
selected frequency will be sent to the subwoofer.
Choices: 40Hz, 60Hz, 801-1z, 90Hz, 100Hz, 110Hz,
120Hz, 160Hz, 200Hz
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FREgf_,, 88Hz