Data List

Kn1 Kn2 Kn3 Kn4 Kn5 Kn6 Vel
InsS EQ L-Gain,InsL EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain,InsL EQ H-Gain InsS EQ M-Gain,InsL EQ M-Gain AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim AWM FEG Depth off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG D2Tim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsL EQ M-Gain InsS Drive,InsS Mix Level COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsL EQ L-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM FEG Depth,AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM FEG D3Tim,AWM FEG D2Tim AWM FEG R1Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq,AWM Volume InsL EQ L-Gain,InsS EQ L-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain,InsS EQ H-Gain AWM AEG AtTim InsS D/W Bal COM Rev Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsL EQ L-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsL EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsL LFO Freq COM Cho Send,InsL L/R Depth off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain COM Rev Send InsL D/W Bal,COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM Volume InsL L/R Depth InsL LFO Freq COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsS LFO Freq
COM Cho Send,InsS L/R Depth,
COM Volume
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsL EQ L-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain COM Rev Send InsS D/W Bal,InsL L/R Depth off
InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsL L/R Depth InsL LFO Freq COM Rev Send AWM Volume off
InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ M-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq InsS Resonanse InsS D/W Bal InsS Sensitive COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM Volume InsL EQ L-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsS LFO Freq COM Cho Send,InsS L/R Depth off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq FDSP Sub Mod. AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
FDSP Drive FDSP Ceiling AWM LFO1 AMD AWM LFO1 PMD COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsL AM Depth InsL LFO Freq COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq InsL LFO Freq AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsS EQ M-Freq InsS Drive COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
FDSP Pitch FDSP Sub Freq. AWM AEG D3Tim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
InsS HPF Cutoff AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim,AWM FEG R1Tim InsL D/W Bal COM Rev Send InsS Drive off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsS LFO Freq
COM Cho Send,InsS L/R Depth,
COM Volume
AWM DCF Freq InsL EQ M-Gain InsL EQ H-Gain,AWM DCF Freq InsL EQ L-Gain COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
InsL EQ M-Gain InsL EQ M-Freq InsS LPF Cutoff AWM FEG R1Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq InsS Resonanse,AWM Volume InsS Sensitive InsS Cutoff Freq AWM AEG D1Tim,AWM AEG D2Tim COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso,AWM Volume InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain AWM AEG D1Tim,AWM AEG D2Tim InsL D/W Bal off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume InsL L/H Bal COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,AWM Volume,
InsS LPF Cutoff
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume
InsL LFO Depth,InsL EQ H-Gain,
AWM Volume
COM Rev Send off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,InsL EQ H-Gain,
InsS LPF Cutoff
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Cho Send COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,InsL EQ H-Gain,
InsS LPF Cutoff
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume InsL LFO Depth COM Rev Send AWM AEG AtTim off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume InsS EQ H-Gain,InsL EQ H-Gain COM Rev Send off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send InsL D/W Bal off
AWM Volume AWM DCF Freq InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsL LFO Depth,AWM Volume COM Rev Send off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,InsL EQ H-Gain,
InsS LPF Cutoff
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Cho Send COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,InsL EQ H-Gain,
InsS LPF Cutoff,AWM Volume
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send InsL D/W Bal off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,InsS Drive,
InsS LPF Cutoff
AWM Volume AWM DCF Freq InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain
InsL LFO Depth,AWM Volume,
InsL EQ H-Gain
COM Rev Send off
InsL EQ H-Gain InsL LFO Freq AWM AEG AtTim AWM LFO1 AMD COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume InsL L/H Bal COM Rev Send COM Cho Send,AWM Volume off
AWM DCF Freq AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send off off
AWM Volume AWM DCF Freq,COM Volume InsS EQ L-Gain InsS EQ H-Gain InsL LFO Depth,AWM Volume COM Rev Send off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send InsL D/W Bal off
AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM Volume COM Rev Send
InsL Rotor,InsL EQ H-Gain,
InsS LPF Cutoff
AWM DCF Freq FDSP Main Freq. AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG AtTim,AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
InsS D/W Bal InsS Drive InsL D/W Bal AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM Volume AWM Volume AWM LFO1 PMD COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM PAN AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso FDSP Main Freq. AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq FDSP Pitch EG Dpt FDSP Sub Freq. AWM LFO1 PMD COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
AWM DCF Freq AWM DCF Reso AWM AEG AtTim AWM AEG R2Tim COM Rev Send COM Cho Send off
The abbreviations “Ins S” and “Ins L in the “Effect” and “Controller” sections of the Voice Lists refer to “Insertion Effect 1” and “Insertion Effect 2”, respectively.
Nehmen Sie für die Abkürzungen “Ins S” und “Ins L in den Abschnitten “Effect” und “Controller” der Voice-Liste jeweils auf die Abschnitte “Insertion Effect 1” und
“Insertion Effect 2” Bezug.
A la section “Effect” et “Controller” de la liste des voix les abréviations “Ins S” et “Ins L” signifient respectivement “Insertion Effect 1” et “Insertion Effect 2”.