User Manual

5.13. Export To Sampler...
When an external Yamaha sampler (A3000/4000/5000, EX5/5R7) is connected via
SCSI, this command transmits sound data to the sampler.
*If you are using an A3000/4000/5000, you must first select MIDI function in
Utility mode, and turn off the Bulk Dump Protect setting.
*Many of the sound parameters associated with the waveform data of a sampler
will be lost when the sample is imported into TWE. This means that after a
sound data file which was imported from a sampler to TWE is once again
exported back to the sampler, the sound parameters and various other
settings may have changed. Also, parameters such as the sample size may also
be converted as appropriate for that sampler when they are exported.
5.14. Load Preferences...
This command lets you select any previously saved Preference file, and load
its settings into TWE.
Preference data includes settings such as the color scheme of TWE's windows
and the shortcut key settings, which you are free to set as desired using
the [Options] menu command [Preferences...]. (Refer to "8.3.
These Preference settings can then be saved using the [File] menu command
[Save Preferences As...] (see below), as a Preference file that is separate
from the sound files.
*Unless you execute the [Load Preferences...] command, the previously used
Preference data will be loaded when TWE is started up. When you exit TWE,
the Preference data at that point will be preserved.
*You can also load the settings of a Preference file into TWE by double-
clicking the desired Preference file.
5.15. Save Preferences As...
This command saves TWE's current Preference data as a Preference file. The
Preference file that you save can be loaded into TWE by the above-described
[Load Preferences...] command.
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