Music Synthesizer Models EX5, EX5R, EX7 Owner's Manual 4th Edition

Song Mode
4. Modify Velocity
This job alters the velocity of the notes in the specified
range. The velocity refers to the strength at which a
key is pressed. You can change the velocity using two
types of parameters: the Rate and Offset.
The volume may differ depending on the selected voice
that has a different velocity settings in the Voice Edit
The modified velocity value will be obtained based on
the formula below.
Modified velocity = original velocity value x Rate +
Offset value
The velocity value doesn’t exceed the upper and lower
limits,1 and 127.
Sets the track where Modify Velocity will be
Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16)
Sets the measure range (beginning measure to the
end measure) where Modify Velocity is executed.
Settings: 001~999 (for the beginning measure and the
end measure)
Increases or decreases the velocity of all notes in the
designated range by multiplying the Rate value. A
setting of 100% produces no change. A setting less
than 100% will decrease the velocity, whereas a
setting above 100% increase it.
Settings: 000%~100%~200%
Increases or decreases the velocity of all notes in the
designated range by adding the Offset value. A
setting of 0 produces no change. Negative values
decrease the velocity, while positive values increase
Settings: –99~+00~+99
Original Data
64 32 127 96
Velocity offset=–20
76 44 12 107 76
Velocity offset=+20
116 84 52 127 116
Original Data
64 32 127 96
Velocity rate=50%
48 32 16 63 48
Velocity rate=150%
127 96 48 127 127
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