
Quick Introductory Guide
Press the Page button to select the various menu “pages” of
registrations available on the disk.
When the page numbers are displayed at the top right corner,
you can select the pages by pressing the Page buttons, [F]
to select next page and [E] to select previous page.
3 Registration Menu Disk
The Electone includes convenient Registrations that let you completely
and instantly change the voices and other settings for all of the
keyboards, even as you play. Each registration is pre-programmed to be
used for a specific music style or instrumental combination.
Included with your Electone is a Registration Menu Disk. The disk is
packed with 80 different types of registrations, including voice and
rhythm selections. Each registration is pre-programmed to be used for a
specific music style or instrumental combination.
To select registrations from the Registration Menu Disk:
Put the included Registration Menu Disk (with the label of the disk
facing upward and the sliding shutter facing forward) into the Disk
slot, located just under the Music Disk Recorder at the right side of
the Electone.
Once you’ve securely inserted the disk into the slot, the LCD Display
on the panel will automatically change to show the available
Registration Menus.
There are dozens of registrations on a disk, but up to 16 can only be
shown in the LCD Display at a time.
The page numbers 1 through 5 shown at the top right corner of the
LCD indicate this Registration Menu Disk contains five pages.
See page 84 for more information on the
Music Disk Recorder.
See page 16 for the complete list of the
Registration Menus.
While you are in the Voice Edit mode or
Rhythm Pattern/Sequence Program
mode, the Registration Menus cannot be
displayed on the LCD.