
Saving Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence Data to Disk:
Once you have created your own rhythms and rhythm sequences, you’ll
want to save them to disk. Doing so allows you to free up memory in
the Electone for creating additional rhythms and sequences. Also, the
User rhythms and sequences you’ve saved to disk can be loaded back to
the Electone any time.
Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence data are included in the bulk
data that is saved when you record registrations to disk. Refer to the
section Recording Registrations, page 77, for instructions.
Loading Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence Data from Disk:
The Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence data saved to disk as
part of bulk data, can instantly be loaded back to the Electone. Refer
to the section Recalling Recorded Registrations, page 78, for
When loading your original Rhythm
Program data back to the Electone, be
sure to stop the rhythm if it is playing.
Loading cannot be executed when a
rhythm is running.