
Item Number Voltage
Rated A/H
20 Hrs.
Usable A/H
20 Hrs.
EW-1285-13 12 637 510 1,356.25$ 5
EW-1285-15 12 743 595 1,506.25$ 5
EW-1285-17 12 850 680 1,668.75$ 5
EW-1285-21 12 1062 850 1,993.75$ 5
EW-1285-27 12 1381 1105 2,462.00$ 5
EW-1285-33 12 1700 1360 2,937.50$ 5
EW-2485-13 24 637 510 2,712.50$ 5
EW-2485-15 24 743 595 3,012.50$ 5
EW-2485-17 24 850 680 3,337.50$ 5
EW-2485-21 24 1062 850 3,987.50$ 5
EW-2485-27 24 1381 1105 4,925.00$ 5
EW-2485-33 24 1700 1360 5,937.50$ 5
EW-4885-13 48 637 510 5,418.75$ 5
EW-4885-15 48 743 595 5,670.59$ 5
EW-4885-17 48 850 680 6,282.35$ 5
EW-4885-21 48 1062 850 7,975.00$ 5
EW-4885-27 48 1381 1105 9,850.00$ 5
EW-4885-31 48 1700 1360 11,875.00$ 5
Price List Effective Jan, 1 2012
All prices quoted are NO EXCHANGE
These batteries come with a 5 year warranty rated at 80% discharge. 1800 cyles
These batteries have 2 volt cells that are bolted together, so changing a cell is easy.
Lithium Batteries
These Lithium batteries can be completely discharged without causing any damage to the battery, there is
absolutely no sulfation or maintenance with this technology. They have a ve year warranty rated at 1300
cyles at 100% discharge. The recharge time is approximately 1/3 the time than ooded batteries.
Model #
12V7A EV
125V19A EV
12 Volt 7 A.H.
12 Volt 19 A.H.
12 Volt 60 A.H.
Custom sizes available. Call Wellspring R.E. Power @ 260-768-7336