
Enhancing the Disklavier by Hooking Up Other Devices
The Disklavier can play back the MIDI data being received from the
connected MIDI device as well as the software loaded or stored in the
Disklavier itself. The following options should be set up in advance.
Selects the terminal/port used for the data reception.
MIDI: Select this when the MIDI device is connected to MIDI IN
USB: Select this when the MIDI device is connected to USB port.
Piano Rcv Ch
The MIDI data consists of multi channels that are respectively assigned to
a certain instrument’s part. This option assigns the desired channel(s) to
the piano part(s) that is (are) played back on the Disklavier’s keyboard.
01 thru 16:
the desired channel to which you assign the piano part.
1+2: Select this when the “01” and “02” channels are assigned to the
piano parts.
Prg: Select the smallest number channel assigned to the piano
group voice (see page 131) to be played on the Disklavier.
Prg(All): Select all channels assigned to the piano group voice (see
page 131) to be played on the Disklavier.
When the Disklavier receives two kinds of data (strong and weak note) at
the same time, the weak note sounds a little bit later than the strong one
due to the characteristics of the Disklavier’s mechanism. To eliminate this
delay in the sound reproduction so that the notes are sounded in accurate
timing at 500 milliseconds after the data reception, usually a delay is
applied to the incoming MIDI data.
ON: Select this when you apply this delay to the incoming MIDI
OFF: Select this when you do not apply this delay.
Setting the Disklavier for MIDI Data Reception