User Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
This is a multi-tap delay that provides independent delay and level control for each output. You can
specify the delay time in milliseconds, samples, meters, feet, time code frames, or number of beats.
Within the delay group, there are two subgroups called Long and Short. Each has a different setting
range for the delay.
Delay Long
Delay long components are available with from one to eight outputs. Each has a single input and from
one to eight outputs.
Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. Only the number of outputs in each
component is different. The other parts are the same.
The maximum delay time that can be set internally is approximately 43.6 seconds for the DME64N and 21.8 seconds for the
DME24N, regardless of the sampling frequency.
Section Parameter Setting Range Function
1 Delay All Bypass ON/OFF Bypasses from input to output.
2 Input Level - to ±0 dB Sets the input signal level.
3 Mute ON/OFF Mute the input signal.
4 Delay Tap Delay ms: 0 to 1300
Sample: the range depends
on the Fs value.
Meter: 0 to 446.7
Feet: 0 to 1465.4
Frame: the range depends on
the Frame value.
Beat: the range depends on
the Beat value.
Sets the delay time.
There are two edit boxes, displaying
milliseconds and the units selected for [Delay
5 Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level for each channel.
6 On ON/OFF Turns ON each channel’s delay.
7 Mute ON/OFF Turns ON muting for each channel’s output.
Delay Long Component Editor