User Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
[Type] sets the attenuation slope and the filter type for the LPF and HPF. The selected items are
displayed on the buttons. Clicking these buttons displays a menu. Combinations of six slope types
and four filter types are available. [6dB/Oct], [12dB/Oct], [18dB/Oct], [24dB/Oct], [36dB/Oct], and
[48dB/Oct] set the attenuation per octave. A low value produces gentle attenuation. A large value
produces sudden attenuation.
No filter is applied. There is no attenuation, which produces a level line at all frequencies.
AdjustGc (Adjustable Gc)
With this setting, you can adjust Gc (gain on the cutoff frequency) between -6 dB and +6 dB.
If you set -3 dB it becomes a Butterworth filter. If you set -6 dB, it becomes Linkwitz-Riley filter.
When you select Adjustable Gc, the Gc knob is displayed.
Butrwrth (Butterworth)
This filter has the most general characteristics. The pass band is flat and the gain for the
cutoff frequency is -3 dB.
For curves where phase characteristics are important, Bessel has gentler attenuation than
Butterworth, and there is little distortion of the waveform when square waves are passed
Linkwitz (Linkwitz-Riley)
As second-order filters, the sum of the output voltages for LPF and HPF have a gain of 0 dB
across the entire band. The pass band is flat, but the cutoff frequency gain is -6 dB.