User Manual

7. Use the same Studio Monitors for Surround and Stereo
To allow this, switch on the MONITOR L/R TO C-R option in the SURROUND page
of the MONITOR menu. Then the Front Left and Right speakers can be connected
to the Control Room outputs while the other Surround speakers can be connected to
spare OMNI or SLOT Outputs. When mixing in Surround, turn the CONTROL
ROOM LEVEL pot up to maximum, and use the SURROUND MONITOR LEVEL pot
as the listening level. Make sure STEREO is not selected as the CONTROL ROOM
SOURCE at this time (or switch the Stereo Master channel off). When returning to
Stereo mixing, remember to turn the CONTROL ROOM LEVEL down again.
8. Monitoring a Surround Mix from Tape/Disk
To directly monitor a previously recorded mix, without using channels on the mixer,
first connect the source to a SLOT input. Then assign the correct input channel to
the correct surround channel on the SURR PATCH page of the MONITOR menu.
Do this for as many playback sources as are required (for multiple ‘stems’ for
example). Then in the SURROUND page of the MONITO menu, choose which
SLOT inputs (as assigned in the SURR PATCH page) will be monitored when either
of the two ASSIGN switches are pressed in the SURROUND MONITOR SOURCE
Here are some suggested uses for these keys, apart from the defaults:
Scene +1/-1 Recall: to recall the next or the previous Scene.
OSC On/Off: to control the internal Oscillator.
Talkback Assign: to choose the talkback destination.
FL CH/Port: alternate between seeing the channel name and the input port
name in the FL display about the faders.
Studio Manager: open and close various windows in the DM2000 editor on
PC or Mac.