Data List

Data List/Datenliste/Liste des données/Lista de datos
Music Database List / Musikdatenbankliste / Liste des bases
de données musicales / Lista de la base de datos musical
MDB No. MDB Name
1 Sound Speed
2 Cold Clock
3 Daniel's Day
4 Girl's Electric
5 Golden Fields
6Heal the Earth
7I'm Torn
8 It Always Rains
9 Life in Song
10 Not Discovered
11 Po s itively S ure
12 S Party Club
13 Say Nothing
14 Spend Some Time
15 View of Love
16 Atonal Flame
17 Birds at Night
18 Bonita Pop
19 By Now, You Know
20 Can't Bear More
21 Celebrate Party
22 Cherish Groove
23 Corrida Disco
24 Days in Paradise
25 Do Not Leave Me
26 Either of Us
27 Everytime Away
28 Fly Away One Day
29 Greatest Love
30 I Know He's Well
31 Life Walk
32 Look at the Odds
33 Lots of Invites
34 Love I Cant Stop
35 Lover of Pennies
36 Main Reaction
37 My Inspiration
38 My Love for You
39 Piano, No Lights
40 Red Lady
41 Saving My Love
42 That Old House
43 The World is Us
44 We Belong Up
45 Whisper Ballad
46 Wind Below Wings
47 You are a Voice
48 You Say Me
49 A Lady 3 Times
50 Babylon Rivers
51 Boogie to Blame
52 Brown Girl Disco
53 Cheep Chirpy
54 Dance AM
55 Don't Break Me
56 Feel Mighty Real
57 Head West
58 I'm a Sexy Thing
59 It's a Tragedy!
60 Just Imagine
61 Laughing in Rain
62 Love is Where?
63 Naturally Alone
64 Never This Way
65 No Sunset for Me
66 Perfect 24hrs
67 Piano Candle
68 Piano Guy
69 Saving Kisses
70 Song for Annie
71 Teach to Sing
72 Times I Need You
73 Trying No Matter
74 USA Pie
75 When Love Goes
76 Where You Going?
60S & 50S POP
77 Alive Doll
78 Apache Guitar
79 Best Pretender
80 Black Forest
81 Builda Buttercup
82 Cherry & Apple
83 Flea from Spain
84 Foot Tapping
85 Georgy the Girl
86 Going Down Town
87 Golden Silence
88 Hi, Mary Lou
89 Honey Taste
90 Just Dream
91 Lands Wonderful
92 Let Me Go
93 Lovin FeelinGone
94 Lullaby of Birds
95 My Song This is
96 Never or Now
97 No More Sunshine
98 Only with You
99 Sandman Dream
100 Shouting Twist
101 Silly for Trying
102 Summer Vacation
103 The Day B4 Today
104 Together & Happy
105 Tomorrow Love Me
106 Totally Shook Up
107 Up, Up Balloon
108 Watching Girls
109 When a Guy Loves
110 Woman is Pretty
111 CalifornianHotel
112 Hard Night
113 Lane of Pennies
114 Last Countdown
115 Let's Hold Hands
116 My Fire Lighter
117 Please Do LoveMe
118 Rock Tonight
119 U S A Su r fi ng
120 What You Want
121 White and Pale
122 World Champions
123 10secs Sunrise
124 Da Ba Dee Blue
MDB No. MDB Name
125 I'm Missing U
126 Janeiro Samba
127 Make Sum Music
128 Night Rhythm
129 No Hiding It
130 Ready R U London
131 Sprint Dance
132 Where've U been
133 Bring it Back
134 Disco Survival
135 Enough Strength
136 Fever at Night
137 Free Hearts Run
138 Give Me Hands Up
139 Lost in Tunes
140 Philadelphia Snd
141 Wait for Evening
142 Call Pensylvania
143 Charles Ton
144 Crazy Tiny Thing
145 Get 66 Kicks
146 Goodbye Blues
147 Let There be Bld
148 Maple Rag
149 Misty Ballad
150 Moon is Paper
151 Moonlight Mood
152 Nothing but Love
153 On Sunny Street
154 Pianists Swing
155 Popsicle Swing
156 Rampart Parade
157 Safari Swing
158 Take Four + One
159 Tunisian Nights
160 US Patrol
161 Vermont Moon
R & B
162 Believe a Dream
163 Blueberry Blues
164 Clock Rock
165 Day is Lovely
166 Great Fire Balls
167 I Love U 2 Smile
168 I'll Make Soul
169 Johnny is Good
170 Man of Blues
171 Needing Somebody
172 Needs Someone
173 Only Two of Us
174 Pieces of Funk
175 Refining Fires
176 Road End
177 Rockin Jailhouse
178 Rocking Croc
179 Shocked Ms Molly
180 Suede Blue Shoes
181 This Love Baby
182 Velvet is Black
183 Where's Our Love
184 Won't for Love
185 Blue Sung Song
MDB No. MDB Name