
Change a Song’s Style
Owner’s Manual
Select a style.
Press the [STYLE] button and then rotate the dial to hear how the song sounds
with different styles. As you select different styles the song will remain the same
while only the styles change.
Changing a song melody voice.
If you press and hold the [VOICE] button for longer than a second a voice list
will appear. The Melody R and Melody L displays will be selected alternately
each time you press the [VOICE] button.
Use the dial to change the melody voice. As you select different melody voices
the song will remain the same while only the melody voice changes.
Press the [EASY SONG ARRANGER] button to turn the function
If the song or style is being played back, first stop the playback, then turn the
Easy Song Arranger function off.
Because the Easy Song
Arranger uses song data you
can’t specify chords by play-
ing in the accompaniment
range of the keyboard. The
[ACMP ON/ OFF] button will
not function.
• If the time signature of the
song and style are different,
the time signature of the song
will be used.
The Melody R and Melody L displays
will be selected alternately each time
you press the [VOICE] button.
The currently selected melody
voice will be displayed.
Hold for longer
than a second
• If you press the [INTRO/END-
ING/rit.] button during style
playback, the style will stop
but the song will continue
playing. Use the [START/
STOP] button to stop play-
back completely.