TO THE OWNER OF A YAMAHA PIANO SEHR GEEHRTER KUNDE Thank you for purchasing a Yamaha Piano. The piano is among the most versatile of musical instruments, but it is also one of the most complex and delicate. Yamaha pianos are extraordinarily rugged–built by a combination of traditional craftsmanship and advanced acoustic technology. But even the finest instrument needs proper care to give long life and dependable service.
PROVIDE ENOUGH VENTILATION Pianos need ventilation, but the wrong kind of ventilation can damage them. The best location for your piano is in the center of the room or against a wall which divides two rooms. If possible, avoid placing it next to an exterior wall where outside weather conditions might cause tone quality and volume to suffer. If there is no other choice, however, at least make sure that the piano has adequate ventilation on all sides.
AVOID WINDOWS Try not to place the piano near a window. Its cabinet is made of wood and must be protected against direct sunlight, humidity and sudden changes in temperature. Windows which open on the out-of doors offer the least protection. If you must place the piano near a window use a heavy curtain over the window for protection. AVOID HEAT Keep the piano away from sources of heat such as radiators or hot air registers.
PROPER CONDITIONS MEAN BETTER SOUND Pianos work best and sound best when the temperature and humidity are right. Proper ventilation is also important. Generally speaking, a relative humidity of between 50 and 60 percent is ideal for pianos. The use of materials such as wood, felt and cloth in piano construction means that many parts are quite delicate. If not properly cared for, they can be damaged easily. Therefore we are unable to assume responsibility for damage resulting from abuse or harsh treatment.
HOW TO PROTECT AGAINST EXCESSIVE MOISTURE Your dealer can advise you how best to compensate for climatic conditions in your area. However, here are a few general tips for proper care. On cloudy or rainy days close all windows in the piano room. Also, be sure to close the top board each time after playing. The piano’s thick cloth cover absorbs moisture in damp or rainy weather and should be taken off and dried on clear days.
ATTENTION A LA SECHERESSE EXCESSIVE Bonnart BEWARE OF EXCESSIVE DRYNESS ZU NIEDRIGE LUFTFEUCHTIGKEIT Too much humidity is a problem, but excessive dryness is an even more serious one, especially where heating or cooling systems are used to create artificially dehumidified rooms. Used in naturally dry climates the piano has enough natural moisture Übermäßige Trockenheit ist ein noch größeres Problem als zu hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit.
to prevent excessive drying. However, if the air becomes too dry the wooden and felt components will shrink. In extreme cases, the soundboard, joints and other laminated sections may even come apart, even though they have been glued together carefully. Slight distortion of the parts may cause noise, and the tuning pins may work loose, making it difficult to keep the piano in tune. To avoid excessive dryness it is best to keep some kind of leafy plant or a humidifier in the piano room.
PUT YOUR PIANO WHERE IT SOUNDS BEST The piano should be placed in a room where the sound will be evenly distributed. A room where all the sound gathers in one spot will produce sound lag and echoes. The best room for your piano is one in which its sound will reverberate to produce pleasant, full-bodied tones without harsh echoes. STELLEN SIE DAS INSTRUMENT DORT AUF, WO DIE TONWIDERGABE AM BESTEN IST Der Klang sollte sich gleichmäßig verteilen.
DO NOT PLACE OBJECTS ON TOP OF THE PIANO A heavy object may cause poor tone or noisy vibrations if placed on the piano. A vase of flowers may look attractive on the piano but if it should spill and water enter the piano serious damage can result. Water will rust the metal parts of the piano and damage the hammer and action. Avoid costly accidents and never place anything except sheet music or a metronome on the piano.
Vinyl products Anything containing alcohol Liquids such as cosmetics, insecticides, any kind of aerosol, paint thinner or petroleum-based products DO NOT ALLOW THE PIANO TO BECOME DUSTY Dust can dull the hammer action and cause noise. Dust the piano frequently with a soft cloth or feather duster and wipe the finish with a soft cloth. KEEP THE KEYBOARD CLEAN Staub macht die Hammerbewegung träge und verursacht Nebengeräusche.
TUNING AND ADJUSTMENT 调律和整调 AFINACION Y AJUSTE STIMMEN UND NEUEINSTELLEN Stimmen bedeutet, den Tonabstand berichtigen, indem man die Saiten nachzieht. Jede Pianosaite ist so gespannt, daß sie eine Belastung von etwa 90 kg aushalten kann. Selbst bei bester Pflege dehnen sich die Saiten und verlieren nach und nach etwas von ihrer Spannung, wodurch der Ton unrein wird. Unter normalen Umständen genügt ein zweimaliges Stimmen pro Jahr.
Regulieren heißt, alle Funktionen des Pianos, nämlich Klaviatur, Pedal usw. neu aufeinander abzustimmen und so die Harmonie wiederherzustellen. Richtige Regulierung ist wichtig für alle Flügel und Pianos. Stimmen und Regulieren sollten nur vom Fachmann vorgenommen werden. Beauftragen Sie hiermit bitte Ihren Yamaha Händler. Im Fachgeschäft werden Sie auch beraten, wie oft Sie Ihr Piano stimmen lassen sollten.