Owner's Manual

CVP-601 Owner’s Manual
Styles – Playing Rhythm and Accompaniment –
Changing Variations (Sections) During Style Playback
Each Style features four different Main sections, four Fill-in sections and a Break
section. By using these sections effectively, you can easily make your performance sound
more dynamic and professional. The section can be freely changed while the Style is
playing back.
MAIN VARIATION [A] – [D] buttons
Press one of the MAIN VARIATION [A] – [D] buttons to select the desired Main
section (the button lights in red). Each is an accompaniment pattern of a few
measures and it plays indefinitely. Pressing the selected MAIN VARIATION button
again plays an appropriate fill-in pattern to spice up the rhythm and break the
repetition. After the fill-in finishes playing, it leads smoothly into the Main section.
[BREAK] button
This lets you add dynamic breaks in the rhythm of the
accompaniment. Press the [BREAK] button during Style playback.
When the one-measure Break pattern finishes playing, the Style
playback automatically shifts to the Main section.
Adjusting the Tempo
TEMPO [-]/[+] buttons
By pressing the TEMPO [-] or [+] button, you can decrease/increase the tempo over a
range of 5 – 500. While the TEMPO pop-up is shown on the display, you can also use
the [DATA ENTRY] dial to adjust the value.
Pressing the TEMPO [-]/[+] buttons simultaneously resets the tempo to the default
[TAP TEMPO] button
During Style playback, you can change the tempo by tapping
the [TAP TEMPO] button twice at the desired tempo.
When the Style is stopped, tapping the [TAP TEMPO] button
(four times for a 4/4 time signature) starts Style playback at the
tempo you tapped.
AUTO FILL function
When the [AUTO FILL IN] button is turned on, pressing any of the Main
[A] – [D] buttons as you play automatically plays a fill-in section before
switching to the next Main section.
Selected Main sections lamp is lit in red Selected Fill In section’s lamp flashes in red