Owner's Manual

CVP-601 Owner’s Manual
Voices – Playing the keyboard –
Voice Types
Voice Characteristics
The Voice type and its defining characteristics are indicated above the Voice name —
Live!, Cool!, Sweet!, etc. For detailed explanation, refer to the Reference Manual.
In this section, only Super Articulation Voices (SA) is explained. These Voices have
special characteristics you should be aware of, and they require specific performance
techniques to bring out all of their expressive qualities.
SA Voices (S.Articulation!)
The SA Voices provide great playability and expressive control in real time.
For example, with the Guitar Voice, if you play a C and then a D in a very legato
way, the D note would sound as a “hammer on,” without the string being plucked
Depending on how you play, other effects such as finger noises (for the Guitar
Voice) will be produced.
You can also use the pedals to add articulations to the SA Voices (page 42). For details
on how to best play each SA Voice, call up the information window (pressing the [7]
(INFO) button in the Voice Selection display).
Organ Flute
(page 45)
Percussion/Drum Voices
When one of the Voices is selected from this button, you can play various
drums and percussion instruments or SFX (sound effects) sounds on the
Keyboard. Details are given in the Drum List of the separate Data List.