Operation Manual

CVP-509/505/503/501 Reference Manual 29
Styles – Playing Rhythm and Accompaniment –
This changes the velocity/volume (or accent) of certain notes in the Style playback. The Dynamics settings
are applied to each channel or all channels of the selected Style.
2 Press the [D] (EXECUTE) button to actually enter the edits for each display.
After the operation is completed, this button changes to “UNDO,” letting you restore the original data if
you are not satisfied with the Groove or Dynamics results. The Undo function only has one level; only the
previous operation can be undone.
3 Press the [I] (SAVE) button to execute the Save operation.
The edited Style will be lost if you change to another Style or turn the power to the instrument off without executing the Save operation.
[1 ▲▼]/
[2 ▲▼]
CHANNEL Selects the desired channel (part) to which Dynamics is to be applied.
[3 ▲▼]/
[4 ▲▼]
ACCENT TYPE Determines the type of accent applied—in other words, which notes in
the part(s) are emphasized with the Dynamics settings.
[6 ▲▼] STRENGTH Determines how strongly the selected Accent Type (above) will be
applied. The higher the value, the stronger the effect.
[7 ▲▼] EXPAND/
Expands or compresses the range of velocity values. Values higher than
100% expand the dynamic range, while values lower than 100% com-
press it.
[8 ▲▼] BOOST/CUT Boosts or cuts all velocity values in the selected section/channel. Values
above 100% boost the overall velocity, while values below 100% reduce