Operation Manual

62 CVP-509/505/503/501 Reference Manual
Music Finder – Calling Up Ideal Setups (Voice, Style, etc.) for Each Song –
You can create a new record by editing the currently selected record. The newly created records are automati-
cally saved in the internal memory.
1 Select the desired record to be edited in the MUSIC FINDER display.
2 Press the [8 ▲▼] (RECORD EDIT) button to call up the EDIT display.
3 Edit the record as desired.
Editing Records
[A] MUSIC Edits the song name. Pressing the [A] button calls up the pop-up window
to enter the song name.
Edits the keyword. Pressing the [B] button calls up the pop-up window to enter
the keyword.
Changes the Style in case of STYLE record (panel settings). Pressing the
[C] button calls up the Style Selection display. After selecting the desired
Style, press the [EXIT] button to return back to the Edit display.
For SONG or AUDIO records, this field cannot be edited.
[D] BEAT Changes the beat (time signature) of the record for search purposes.
For SONG or AUDIO records, this field cannot be edited.
NOTE Keep in mind that the Beat setting made here is only for the Music Finder search function; this does
not affect the actual Beat setting of the Style itself.
Selects whether the edited record is entered to the FAVORITE display or not.
[1 ▲▼] TEMPO
Changes the Tempo. For SONG or AUDIO records, this field cannot be changed.
[2 ▲▼] SECTIONS Selects the section that will automatically be called up set when the
record is selected. This is useful, for example, when you want to have a
selected Style automatically be set up to start with an Intro section. For
SONG or AUDIO records, this field cannot be changed.
[4 ▲▼]
[5 ▲▼]/
[6 ▲▼]
GENRE Selects the desired genre.
[7 ▲▼] GENRE NAME Creates a new genre.
Deletes the currently selected record.