
V Set all performance features as required...........................
After setting the tracks to be recorded, set up all necessary perform-
ance features as required: voice, accompaniment style, tempo, reverb,
B Start recording.................................................................................................
Start playing the keyboard or press the [PLAY/STOP] button. To
record the Auto Accompaniment parts, start the Auto Accompaniment
in the usual way (page 70), and finger chords in a manner appropriate
to the current accompaniment mode (pages 72 and 73).
The current measure number is shown in the display as you record. The
parameters listed below will be recorded in addition to notes you play.
(Recorded parameters differ depending on the play styles and settings.)
Parameters Recorded for Each Track
• Notes
• Voice
• Keyboard volume
• Pan
• Right pedal (page 191)
• Left pedal (page 190)
• Center (sostenuto) pedal
• Reverb depth
• Chorus depth
• Effect depth
• Keyboard part volume (main, second, left)
• Fade-in/out (converted into volume data)
• Scale tuning data (page 209)
Parameters Recorded for the Entire Song
• Tempo
• Reverb type
• Overall reverb depth
• Chorus type
• Effect type*
• Equalizer settings (CVP-109/107/700)
• Accompaniment style
• Section (Intro, Main A through D, Fill-In, Ending)
* On the CVP-105, the last recorded track effect
takes priority.
Other Recorded Parameters
Accompaniment style data which is recorded but not
listed above includes:
• Accompaniment part volume (volume settings in-
cluded in style data, plus mixer levels set when re-
Song Recording
If you want to re-record part of the song (for
example, if you’ve made a mistake in the
recording), you can easily do so with the
Punch-in/out Recording function (page
Backing Up Your Data
Any time you have recorded some amount
of data, you should copy the data to an-
other song number for backup purposes
(see page 196 for information on the Copy
operation). Doing this prevents accidental
loss of important data, should you inadvert-
ently delete the data while recording.