User Manual

CSP-170/CSP-150 Data List / Daten-Liste / Liste des données / Lista de datos
Vocal Harmony Parameter List / Liste der Vokalharmonie-Parameter / Liste des parametres lies a l’harmonie vocale / Lista de parametros de armonia vocal
Vocal Harmony Parameter List / Liste der Vokalharmonie-Parameter /
Liste des parametres lies a l’harmonie vocale / Lista de parametros de armonia vocal
Vocal Harmony Type List
Type Name Description MSB LSB
Voca l
StandardDuet Standard setting for lead vocal plus 1 harmony part. Useful for many music genres. 12 0 On Off
StandardTrio Standard setting for lead vocal plus 2 harmony parts. Useful for many music genres. 12 1 On Off
StandardQuartet Standard setting for lead vocal plus 3 harmony parts. Useful for many music genres. 12 2 On Off
StudioVocals This setting is suitable for studio production purposes. It features appropriate EQ settings and an understated
12 33 On On
JazzyQuartet Good for Bass, Tenor and Alto singers; for Jazz repertoire. You will hear additional 6th notes. 12 3 On Off
SchlagerTrio Good for standard Schlager repertoire with simple harmony chords. 12 4 On On
Destiny'sPop Good for female singers with lead vocal plus 2 harmony parts above; for female Pop and R&B repertoire. 12 5 On On
VocalDoubler Use this preset to overdub your singing in real time. Turn the “Harmony” on to add harmony parts with Vocal
Doubler effect.
12 34 Off On
VocoderVH This is a standard vocoder setting. It allows control of the harmony by playing keys higher than the Split Point. 12 6 On Off
VocoderMONO Standard vocoder setting. It allows control of the harmony by playing keys higher than the Split Point. You can
play mono (single-note) melodies.
12 7 On Off
Rock&Roll Good for songs from the 50’s and 60’s with typical delay characteristics of that time. Turn the “Harmony” on to
add harmony parts with Blues or Rock chords.
12 35 Off On
TempoCross Tempo Cross Delay on lead vocal. Turn the “Harmony” on to add harmony parts; good for Pop songs or special
show effects.
12 36 Off On
HeavyVoice Good for Rock and Pop with overdriven vocal. Turn the “Harmony” on to add Harm.1 with 1 octave down. 12 37 Off On
TelephoneChoir Typical Lo-Fi vocal ensemble; use as old fashioned ensemble sound or exciting effect in Rock, Pop and Jazz. 12 38 On On
LikeThe80s Good for 80’s Pop with typical reverb image. 12 39 On On
Gramophone Typical 30’s vocal ensemble; reproduces an old fashioned gramophone sound. 12 40 On On
PokerPhaser Good for modern Pop songs using a phaser effect for lead vocal. 12 41 On On
DetuneVoice Lead vocal plus two additional detuned harmony parts for exciting detuned sound. 12 8 On Off
PerfectFourth Quartet singing only perfect fourths; parallel movement of all parts. 12 9 On On
SingCMajorScale Sing notes within a C major scale and the harmony parts will create suitable chord notes based on the C major
12 10 On Off
BalladChoir Good for Ballad backing vocals with long reverb. 12 11 On On
ChurchChoir Good for standard church songs and Christmas songs with long reverb; recommended for Bass, Tenor and Alto
12 12 On On
GregorianChoir Good for rubato Gregorian-chant-type monophonic songs with large reverb; parallel movement of all parts. 12 13 On On
GospelChoir Good for Gospel songs with long reverb on harmony parts and minor 7th feel. 12 14 On On
CosmicChoir Extremely phased vocals; useful for exciting effects in Dance and Modern Music. 12 42 On On
AlpenGirls Good for male singer with 2 female harmony parts above lead vocal. 12 15 On On
CountryRock Typical Country Rock quartet; recommended range is tenor/alto. 12 16 On On
R&BDiva Good for female alto singer for R&B repertoire; also usable with Tenor lead vocal. 12 17 On On
ClosedPopChicks Good for female singers with two harmony parts below. 12 18 On On
QueenOfPop Good for Pop and R&B songs using Tempo Delay. Turn the “Harmony” on to add 2nd Voice. 12 43 Off On
Bob->Mary Male singer can sound like Female voice with long romantic reverb. 12 19 On On
Mary->Bob Female singer can sound like Male voice with short reverb. 12 20 On Off
FlangingVocals Useful for modern Pop, Rock and Dance music. 12 44 Off On
JazzySisters Good for Bass and Tenor Singers. Harmony parts add 3 female Jazz singers. 12 21 On On
QuartetOnStage Good for Rock and Pop Music. Harmony parts make up a quartet. 12 22 On On
DelayedHarmony Useful in several genres with a tempo-synced delay choir as background. 12 45 On On
KidsChoir Creates the effect of a child’s voice. Use this preset type and sing with your friends... 12 23 On Off
ChorusChoir The chorus effect adds a rich and exciting characteristics to your voice and the harmony parts. 12 46 On On
BohemianVocode Tempo flanging Vocoder Type; good for Rock or Pop songs and Intros. 12 47 On On
RobotVoice Creates a robotic voice effect. This is the setting. Use Harm.3 for variation. 12 48 On On
ChordalXG Chordal type setting of previous Vocal Harmony system. 90 0 On Off
DetuneXG Detune type setting of previous Vocal Harmony system. 91 0 On Off
ChromaticXG Chromatic type setting of previous Vocal Harmony system. 92 0 On Off
VocoderXG Vocoder type setting of previous Vocal Harmony system. 89 0 On Off
Thru Bypasses the processing without any harmonies and effects. 64 0 Off Off