Technical information

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Mac OS Requirements — Pro Tools v5.1.1
Approved Mac Operating Systems
Pro Tools 5.1.1 has been tested and approved on Mac OS 9.0.4 and 9.1. Mac OS 9.2,
9.2.1, and 9.2.2 have been tested and approved on the Quicksilver 2001 G4 models only.
(see Known Issues at the bottom of this page)
For specific compatibility information, click on the links for a particular computer model
and Pro Tools system.
Newer G4 models (AGP graphics slot + 4 PCI slots = 5 slots total) require Mac OS 9.1 on
the early addition 5 slot models or Mac OS 9.2/9.2.1/9.2.2 on the Quicksilver 5 slot
To update from OS 9 to 9.1 or 9.2.1, go to
To update from OS 9.2 to 9.2.2, go to or by
using the Software Update Control Panel
Settings & Requirements
Mac OS Base Extension set and Digi System extensions (See Pro Tools Mac FAQ #1 for
more information)
Set default cache (in the Memory Control Panel) to “Custom, 512k”
Set Energy Saver Control Panel to “Never”
In the Appearance Control Panel, disable “Smooth All Fonts On Screen” and change
system font to other than “Charcoal”
If Norton Utilities is used it must be Norton Utilities v4.0 or higher to ensure
compatibility with HFS+