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2001 & 2002 G4 "Quicksilver" Model Qualification
Digidesign 2002 G4 Qualification
see also 2001 G4 Qualification
Status Report — March 2002
Qualification Announcement For Apple's 2002 Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver) Desktop Models
800 MHz Power Mac G4
933 MHz Power Mac G4
Dual 1 GHz Power Mac G4
Apple's Latest Power Mac G4 models have officially been qualified by Digidesign for use with the
products listed below. Additional Computer Requirements, (System RAM, etc.,) as listed on the
Digidesign Compatibility Documents remain the same, with the exception of Mac OS as detailed
in the following section.
Known Issues:
1. The "Quicksilver" 2002 G4 models require Mac OS 9.2.2 to run Pro Tools. Users should
not attempt to install OS 9.1, or run OSX, (including Classic mode), with Pro Tools on
these machines. The Quicksilver G4 models have been tested with the Mac OS as
shippped from Apple on these machines, with a dual boot system which includes both
OS 9.2.2 and OS X. Although you cannot use Pro Tools with OS X, it is not
necessary to remove OS X from these computers.
2. Whenever updating any operating system, particularly if you are updating Mac OS X for
use with other applications, it is recommended that you remove any plug-in key disk
authorizations and store them on the floppy disk before upating or installing the Mac OS.
After updating the OS, you can then re-install the key disk authorizations after first
booting in OS 9.
3. Pro Tools currently does not utilize the second processor in dual processor Power Mac G4
models. If problems (such as -6042 errors) occur when using Pro Tools on one of these
machines, Digidesign recommends the following: Move the folder named
"Multiprocessing" from the System Folder "Extensions" folder to the "Extensions