Technical information

Third-Party MIDI Hardware - Pro Tools FREE
Third-Party MIDI Control Surfaces
CM Labs Motor Mix: For information about this product, visit the new Digidesign Development
Partner website at
Note: Profiles for Motor Mix and other MIDI control surfaces that are supported with Pro Tools LE
are included in the CD-ROM version of Pro Tools FREE. While these other control surfaces may
work with Pro Tools FREE, only Motor Mix has been fully tested by Digidesign.
Third-Party MIDI Interfaces
Both USB and serial MIDI interfaces work effectively with Pro Tools FREE. Digidesign
recommends using a serial MIDI interface, as they offer the tightest possible MIDI timing. Serial
MIDI interfaces require either a Mac serial port or a qualified modem-to-serial port adapter, such
as the GeeThree Stealth Port or Griffin gPort II installed in the modem port (thereby not using a
PCI slot).
When using the GeeThree products with OS 9.0.4, version 1.0.3 or higher of the Stealth Port
extension is required, available here:
Digidesign Compatibility Documents Index