Technical information

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Power Macintosh G4 — Mbox Requirements
All G4 Models Supported
Mac OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.2.1 or 9.2.2 required (Mac OS 9.2.2 recommended)
QuickTime 5.0 or higher required with Pro Tools LE v5.2
The QuickTime 5.0.2 installer is supplied on your Pro Tools CD
Both USB and serial MIDI interfaces work effectively with Pro Tools. Digidesign recommends
using a serial MIDI interface, as they offer the tightest possible MIDI timing. Serial MIDI
interfaces require either a Mac serial port or a qualified modem-to-serial port adapter.
Digidesign currently supports the GeeThree Stealth Port for G4 - AGP Video (Sawtooth), Stealth
Port for Dual Processor G4s, or Griffin g4Port installed in the modem port (thereby not using a
PCI slot).
When using the GeeThree products, version 1.0.3 or higher of the Stealth Port extension is
required, available here:
Digidesign supports the following MIDI Interfaces for use with the Power Macintosh G4 and Pro
Tools LE 5.2:
MOTU Fastlane (USB)
Opcode MIDIport32 2x2 (USB)
AMT8 (USB/Serial)
External Floppy Diskette Drive
Although not required with Pro Tools installation, an external floppy diskette drive may be
required for some Plug-Ins installations. The following external USB diskette drives are currently
Imation SuperDisk
NewerTechnology uDrive
SmartDisk (VST) Floppy Drive (model FDUSB-M) Note: Information on VST brand