Technical information

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Power Macintosh G4 (AGP Graphics) - Pro Tools|HD Requirements
Apple G4 (AGP Graphics) Computers Supported:
Single Processor
Dual Processor *
350 MHz Power Mac G4
Dual 450 MHz Power Mac G4
400 MHz Power Mac G4
Dual 500 MHz Power Mac G4
450 MHz Power Mac G4
Dual 533 MHz Power Mac G4
466 MHz Power Mac G4
Dual 800 MHz Power Mac G4
500 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 1 GHz Power Mac G4
533 MHz Power Mac G4
667 MHz Power Mac G4
733 MHz Power Mac G4 **
800 MHz Power Mac G4
867 MHz Power Mac G4
933 MHz Power Mac G4
* Pro Tools currently does not utilize the second processor in Apple Dual Processor CPUs. If
problems (such as -6042 errors) occur when using Pro Tools on a Dual Processor CPU,