Technical information

Power Macintosh 9500 & 9600 - Pro Tools III Requirements
Pro Tools v5.0.1 information only
Power Macintosh 9600 Processors of all speeds supported, excluding Multiprocessor
(MP) version
Power Macintosh 9500 Processors of all speeds supported, excluding Multiprocessor
(MP) version
Mac OS 8.6, 9.0, 9.0.2, or 9.0.4 required (Mac OS 9.1 has not been tested with Pro Tools III)
Expansion Chassis: The Power Macintosh 9500 & 9600 both support the use of compatible
third party 7-slot Expansion Chassis. SBS (Bit3) 7-Slot Expansion Chassis must use IBM PCI 2.1
compliant Bridge chips, with host card that starts with 20-101.
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