User Guide

CLP-170/150 57
Playing Back Recorded Songs and Commercially-available Music Data
5. Return to the main screen.
Press the [EXIT] button.
Eject the floppy disk from the disk drive if you have been playing a
disk song (CLP-170).
Turning track playback on and off
You can practice a part or
phrase using the FromToRe-
peat (page 74) and Phrase-
Mark parameters (page 75)
When you select a song on the Clavinova, the indicators for tracks that con-
tain data ([TRACK 1], [TRACK 2], [EXTRA TRACKS]) are lit in green. While
the Clavinova is playing or stopped, pressing these track buttons turn off the
indicators, and the data on those tracks will not be played. Pressing the track
buttons toggles track playback on and off. You can play the part that is turned
Supported song data type
Data formats that can be played on the CLP-170/150
The Clavinova CLP-170/150 plays song data in the following formats:
Disk format (CLP-170):
A structured method for writ-
ing data to disk.
Floppy disk format (CLP-170)
3.5-inch 2DD disks in the MS-DOS 720KB format
3.5-inch 2HD disks in the MS-DOS 1.44MB format
Sequence format:
A structured method for
recording performance data.
Sequence format
SMF (Standard MIDI File) formats 0 and 1
Performance data recorded on the CLP-170 is saved in the SMF for-
mat 0 in a floppy disk.