User Guide

Selecting and Playing Voices
To enhance the acoustic realism of the sound ...[iAFC
(Instrumental Active Field Control)] (CLP-170)
When iAFC is engaged, the Clavinova will sound deeper and more resonant, similar to an acoustic musical
Perform the automatic adjustment after you turn on the power of the Clavinova for the first time,
and after each time you move the Clavinova. (page 86)
How iAFC works
Sounds picked up by a mic
and sounds produced inter-
nally by the Clavinova are
processed and output from
the rear speaker to enhance
acoustic realism of the sound.
iAFC uses Yamaha’s EMR
(Electronic Microphone
Rotator) technology to
ensure stability against
acoustic feedback.
iAFC cannot be used in
the following cases.
When using iAFC, do not
block the speaker located on
the rear panel of the Clavi-
nova. The optimal iAFC
effect cannot be obtained if
this speaker is blocked.
[iAFC SETTING] lets you
select the type of iAFC and
adjust the depth of the
effect. (page 85)
Normal setting = ON
iAFC will toggle on or off each time you press iAFC [ON/
OFF] switch.
When the Speaker setting
is Normal, and head-
phones are connected.
When the Speaker setting
is Off.
CLP170, Page 32 Thursday, October 31, 2002 2:29 PM