Supplementary Manual

Grouping and linking
V2.0 Supplementary Manual
Added mute group function
You can now unmute a muted channel in the mute group temporarily.
If the master button is turned on for the mute group to which the target channel belongs, press the [ON]
key for that channel to temporarily unmute the channel. However, in Preview mode, any operation
during mute will be invalid.
Added channel link function
Recall Safe parameters are now linked for linked channels.
If you specify Recall Safe parameters for the selected channel in the RECALL SAFE MODE popup
window, the Recall Safe parameter setting will be effective on other channels that are linked to the
selected channel.
Added channel job function
Now CL units support the Mix Minus function, which removes a specific channel signal from the
signals sent to the MIX/MATRIX buses. You can use this function to quickly send monitoring signals
to a performer or announcer simply by removing his or her audio signal.
This Mix Minus function is a shortcut for settings, rather than an operation to switch between
modes. Therefore, even after using this function, you can still edit any parameter on the window
without restrictions.
Mix Minus operation
1. While holding down the [SEL] key, press the MIX knob
or MATRIX knob in the SELECTED CHANNEL section.
2. The MIX MINUS popup window will open.
You can also access the MIX MINUS popup window by pressing the CH JOB button in the
Function Access Area, then pressing the MIX MINUS button.
3. If you wish to remove an additional input channel, press the corresponding [SEL]
4. If necessary, in the DESTINATION field, select a bus.
You cannot select a FIXED bus.
5. Press the OK button to set the parameters as follows:
e send level of the signals sent from the selected input channels is lowered to –∞ dB.
The send level of the signals sent from all other input channels is set to nominal (0.0dB).
Send to the destination bus is turned on, and the send point is switched to POST.
For the stereo input channels, the send level of the signal sent from both channels is set to –∞ dB.